Neuralzeta efficacy

Provided free of charge by a charity
Stability (i.e., disease progression stopped):
27% of patients stable for 4 months
22% stable for 6 months
19% stable for one to eight years
 No other drug has ever achieved this. For 16% of patients the drug has no effect i.e., non responders (Data source: Patients own monitoring reports observed by their neurologists).

11,000 doses, 120 years of accumulated patient-treatment, more than 25,000 datum points. This is profoundly more safety and clinical evidence of efficacy than any of the recently FDA approved drugs. Neuralzeta treatment continues and is ongoing.

Developed and supplied free of charge by a small informal charity on a first come first served basis with no exclusion criteria as a humanitarian endeavour when funding is available. The charity has never asked anyone for money at any time.

The objective is to get it approved and supplied at cost price..
This is in stark contrast to the recently approved ALS drugs: Toferson ($16,580 per month), Relyviro ($13,166 per month) and Edaravone ($14,083 per month) - none of which extend life. (Source:  April 25th 2023)

Kindly study `Important information`, in the black section at bottom of this page. 

Important information

The RC Charity Group  has no connection with any other entity, charity or corporate, and has no external financial support. Being privately funded by a single person, and the public nor any ALS victim have ever been asked for money, there is no requirement to register ​​the charity and incur the associated administrative costs (Registration, trustees, auditing etc.).
The humanitarian objective is to bring a potentially new horizon to those affected by ALS (also known as MND) - irrespective of their financial status. Provided free of any charge on first come first served basis (when funds are available) to any ALS/MND victim who asks for help, has a confirmed diagnosis, informed consent, credible case history and a valid prescription.

As more than 10 years of clinical data are covered in this site, precise statistics vary at different times.
The charity states the factual data believed to be true and accurate as reported by patients observed by their neurologists, in their monthly monitoring reports. The charity makes no claims, only presents the reported efficacy evidence. 
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NOTE: Nothing in this web site may be considered to be medical advice. You must always consult with your neurologist or doctor.
Web site last updated March 2024. © RC Charity 2014 - 2024.